Wednesday 1 February 2012

Its Februaury..

So the pressure is on for everyone in terms of exams and the dreaded graded unit. Im excited to be beginning my website as I love designing and personalising things! However I am aware its all about the content which is why I have begun filming band practices and recording pretty much anything I have been up to.
New This Is An Outrage news, We will be supporting Waterday as our debut gig in March at The Twa Tams which is fantastic!! We cant wait it should be a fantastic laugh.
At Rhythm Wave this week I received a DVD of our performance at Glastonbury 2011, I was really excited to see it as I hadn't really seen myself play before, also, its a perfect addition to my graded unit portfolio.
Over the next week or so I need to decide what my next piece for first study will be, and also began my revision for both History and Theory exams.

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