Friday 20 January 2012

Say Cheese!

So this week has been really exciting for my band This Is An Outrage, we organised our first official photo shoot with Kierans friend Dave who is a brilliant photographer. Just by chance it was a beautiful day so we headed to south inch in Perth to begin the photo shoot and ended up under the Tay bridge, I cant wait for the results as I will be using them in my graded unit portfolio!
In terms of coursework we have now been given dates for our first history and theory exams so a lot of studying needs to be done... cheerio social life!
I have also managed to begin making decisions on what first study pieces I will be playing for my assessments in the end of May, the first one Ive picked is a grade 8 piece called 'Overture' and I love it! Its very difficult but very fun to play which has motivated me greatly to learn it as quickly as I can, I hope the other pieces I pick are just as fun to play.

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