Wednesday 30 November 2011

The Weather outside is Frightful.....

For just over a year now, I have been playing as part of a Brazilian samba band called Rhythm Wave as one of the Repinque players. This year Rhythm Wave were asked to play a set as part of Perths Christmas lights switch on parade. When playing gigs with Rhythm Wave I'm used to having two other much  more experienced Repinque players playing alongside me. However at this particular gig I was the only Repinque player that could make the gig so I was forced to play the part on my own for the first time. This made me incredibly nervous as I usually don't cope very well when put on the spot especially when it comes to my drumming. If it were up to me i wouldn't of played the gig because I'm not fully confident playing the part on my own and I'm terrified of playing something wrong. However, I play one of the lead parts within the band and there were twenty other members of the band relying on me playing, whether I wanted to play or not. When aspiring to become a session musician, its important to be able to adapt to any situation and play under pressure. In this situation I had to play a solo part to a large audience even though I felt very uncomfortable doing so. However I actually pulled it off and in the end up the gig went very well and I actually enjoyed myself. I messed up a lot of the part but in the end I realised that the main thing was that I didn't stop playing and kept going and always looked to the band leader for help, to which I always got help when required. But I think the best part of being brave and going solo for once was getting the positive feedback from everyone afterwards, it made the experience all worth while.
Heres a clip from the gig...

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