Wednesday 9 November 2011

First gig of Hn2

As part of the Hnd course we are all placed in bands and expected to have a set of several songs prepared my a certain date ready to perform. At Hnd level we are expected to have certain songs prepared to a certain standard of quality so as bands we have all been working really hard to tighten up every note and beat in every song. The band I am working with for the gig which is happening tomorrow, have a total of seven songs prepared for the gig. Each of the songs have our own twist of them apart from one Beatles song which is being played exactly as the original record as requested by our lecturer.
To prepare for the gig, the band as a whole have taken time outside of college to have extra practices and discussions to make sure everything is ready and that we are all prepared and know what is happening at the gig. I have also taken the time to increase the time i practice behind the kit every day specializing in rudiments such as doubles and five-stroke rolls which i am using within the performance. By being prepared for a gig, this all helps towards increasing confidence and eliminating nerves, which will narrow the chances of mistakes happening.
Im really looking forward to tomorrows gig and am confident that it will be a success, fingers crossed it isnt a clumsy day for Claire :) 

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