Wednesday 14 December 2011

Back To Basics

This week, as a contribution towards my graded unit, I have been working on new warm ups in order to improve my technique. My lecturer suggest I go back to the most basic warm-ups that focus's on improving my precision of single and double strokes. If I keep up with this warm up then hopefully over time my drum technique in general should improve drastically. I thought this was a cracking idea because I want to be able to play to the best of my ability whatever that takes.
Since its the run up to Christmas its been a mad rush to try and get as much done so that I can enjoy the holidays back home. In session skills we managed to get our first recording done just in time, and I also manages to get my first DAW project out of the way. 
Over the holidays I have the added luxury of taking full advantage of battering my acoustic kit in my shed in my back garden for a whole 2 weeks, lets hope it isnt too cold :(
Happy Christmas!

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