Wednesday 14 December 2011

Back To Basics

This week, as a contribution towards my graded unit, I have been working on new warm ups in order to improve my technique. My lecturer suggest I go back to the most basic warm-ups that focus's on improving my precision of single and double strokes. If I keep up with this warm up then hopefully over time my drum technique in general should improve drastically. I thought this was a cracking idea because I want to be able to play to the best of my ability whatever that takes.
Since its the run up to Christmas its been a mad rush to try and get as much done so that I can enjoy the holidays back home. In session skills we managed to get our first recording done just in time, and I also manages to get my first DAW project out of the way. 
Over the holidays I have the added luxury of taking full advantage of battering my acoustic kit in my shed in my back garden for a whole 2 weeks, lets hope it isnt too cold :(
Happy Christmas!

Thursday 8 December 2011

This is an Outrage!

When I worked with the HNC students at the start of the year, I managed to make a few acquaintances. Two of these acquaintances were a couple of bouncing bambinos known to most as Andrew Mcgowan and Kieran McGuire. Andrew and Kieran approached me and asked me if I would start a three piece band with them. They commented that they loved my energy and enthusiasm when I performed and thought I'd be suited for the type of band they wanted to form.
The three of us got together this week to share ideas on what kind of songs we wanted to write. I showed the boys some material I had written a few months back and within an hour we had four songs written and ready to be rehearsed. Working with Andy and Kieran is a breath of fresh air mainly because we get so much work done in so little time and have such a laugh doing it. I also really loved the fact that all our songs are composed equally, we all share a third of each song and we all put our own idea into each song. Also, working with them made me realise that when you work with other musicians who compliment your personality and music taste, composition flows a lot easier. However this may not be the case when working in the session world as I may be asked to work with people who may not compliment my personality or music taste and will have to learn to work well in both circumstances. Until then, I have 'This is an Outrage' to keep me sane for now.